I have tagged 7 blog posts with self-discovery:
Embracing Solo Living: A Delightful Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth

Hello, wonderful people!
Ah, the joy of the darndest things in life – living alone for the first time! I think it is something we all fantasize about at some point, isn't it? Well, I am here to share my delightful roller coaster ride with you. As I'm typing this, I'm nested quite comfortably in my late morning train, carving my path through the 2°C cold towards Oslo. And let me tell you, life couldn't be more exhilarating!
Living alone, many perceive it to be just about freedom – setting your own rules, cooking your own meals (which doesn't always turn out as expected) or dancing around in your underwear. But there's so much more! It is about a fantastic journey of self-discovery and growth.
Now, before I moved out, I was warned about the lonely moments and the heavy weight of chores. But there's something mystical about these tasks. They've become, oddly enough, some sort of meditative sessions, therapeutic even. It's those ten minutes busied over a mound of dishes, or the sweet victory of conquering a stubborn pile of dirty laundry that has yielded tiny fragments of peace in my life.
A part of the experience that I warmly cherish is the freedom of personal space. My karaoke concerts held in the kitchen while cooking are legendary, and I'm quite certain my neighbors will concur quite strongly. And let's not forget about my impromptu dance offs with my reflection in the bathroom mirror - they have truly been a sight to behold. The thrill and downright silliness is something you have to experience to fully appreciate.
And sure, I understand that a news article caption reading 'Opening tags of an HTML document' sounds as exciting as watching paint dry. But that's the beauty of living alone for the first time; ordinary things can suddenly become thrilling.
By no means is it all rosy; there are plenty of hardships. But it's in those challenges where some of life's most profound lessons are embedded. It's the desperate 2am scramble to find a 24-hour grocery store because you realized you're out of toilet roll, or finally mastering that recipe after countless failed attempts - these moments of struggle lead to sweet triumphs of self-reliance and problem-solving.
Living alone for the first time has, delightfully, given me the opportunity to get to know myself a little better. I have discovered that I can rustle up a mean curry, have a penchant for jazz that I never knew of, and that I am capable of swallowing that scary-looking spider rather than fleeing in terror (Okay, the last bit might be a slight exaggeration!)
With each passing day, I find more and more joy in carving out my path, immersing myself in the hearty soup of blossoming adulthood. Even though I frequently trip over or hit a bump, I do it with a big, enthusiastic smile on my face because I know that each little stumble is just another fantastic ingredient added to my soup.
To conclude, the journey has been an interesting blend of tasty independence, spicy hardships, and a dash of 'I have no idea what I'm doing ,but let's do it anyway.' And believe me, that's the best dish you'll ever have the pleasure of consuming. I wholeheartedly recommend this unique journey of living alone for the first time to all of you. It's an adventure, one that you won't regret, and, above all, it's deliciously fun. And now, you'll excuse me as the delightful Oslo skyline is coming into sight, promising another day of magnificent adventures in my life. Until our paths cross again!
Yours Forever in Enthusiasm and Adventure.
From Oslo With Love: Transmuting Heartbreak into Strength, Lessons from a Powerbank, and Revelations from a Morning Train Ride

Good morning, sweet readers! The sun has just cleared the horizon and is kissing the snow-crusted branches with a soft, rosy glow. It's a crisp 5°C outside, and the world is waking up to another beautiful day here in the vast frost-kissed plains outside Oslo, a harmony of gentle light and raw nature's power. It's enchanting, isn't it?
Just as I settled into the cozy warmth of my daily train ride towards the embrace of humanities at university, I found myself reflecting on a topic that’s universally shared yet uniquely experienced by every being - heartbreak. Yes, dear readers, the profound melancholy that can sometimes shadow even the most effervescent of spirits.
But before we delve into those depths, imagine a funny scene: me, stuck on a journey without my faithful powerbank. Stationery and incommunicado, how's that for amusement? You must think I'm jesting, but the happiness a fully juiced powerbank emanates cannot be exaggerated. There it lies, silent and potent, like an electric duende ready to breathe life into our digital perfume holders, chatting devices, and portable typewriters, turning any hiccup of a drained battery into a fleeting chuckle.
Now, onto heartbreak. Even the word feels heavy, doesn't it? Like a boulder lodged in the delicate, fluttering chambers of our heart. But dear friends, as someone who’s scrubbed off the last traces of a wounded heart, I tell you, it's never an indefeasible beast. It’s a mountain, yes, an arduous ascent, but equally a saga of discovering your inner strength, resiliency, and self-love.
They say, "It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Write those words in capital letters in your spirit. Heartbreak, I’ve found, molds us into better, braver, and bolder versions of ourselves. It's just the universe’s unique way of saying there’s something better awaiting us.
Emotionally rehabilitating from heartbreak is an art rather than a science. There’s no explicit process, no definite steps. It's a daily commitment to healing, and the tools we require—self-love, patience, and acceptance—are within us. One can indeed find strange joy in dancing with vulnerability and discovering emotional independence. After all, what can be more triumphant than transforming pain into strength, heartbreak into enlightenment?
As we bring our attention back to daily life, it’s reassuring to have our tech gadgets full of life, thanks to our trusty powerbanks. That’s just a small reminder that no matter how daunting the journey seems, there are always tools we have that can turn the situation around. It always warms my heart to think about it — we are not alone, and we have more power within us and at our disposal than we often realize.
Oh, before I forget! This morning, my eyes scanned a news article with a playful mistake. It read, “Sorry, you seem to have provided a snippet of HTML code rather than a webpage URL." It got me laughing, thinking how easily we can miss the essential details in communication. How often do we, in our lives, provide the snippet of our pain instead of the actual source? So, let's take a moment to laugh at our mistakes, to appreciate the lesson, and direct focus on the right sources.
My dear brave hearts, remember always - heartbreak is a pause, not a full stop. It's not the end; it’s the beginning of a fantastic journey towards self-discovery, self-love, and resilience.
Keep smiling, keep conquering those mountains, and remember to charge your life (and your gadgets) with positivity! To those of you nursing a heartbreak, remember, spring follows winter and as sure as the sun will rise again, so will you. Until our next chit-chat, adieu dear friends!
Embracing Homesickness: Lessons Learned on an Oslo-bound Train

Mindfulness & Meditation – Unleashing Your Inner Oasis Amidst the Chaos

As today's dawn broke over the icy capped hills, the sky painting itself a myriad of brilliant hues, I found myself on the morning train circling its way lazily around the fjords inching towards Oslo, my breath creating little fleeting ghosts against the window. While the temperature outside nudges just 6°С, this chill is instantly defeated by my piping hot cup of black coffee, a silent cheerleader in my daily commute.
Today's topic, dear readers, makes my heart skip a beat - meditation and mindfulness practices. Something I've been meaning to dive into, headfirst with an air of excitement that is so palpable, I can barely contain it. Meditation paints us an image of tranquility, of serenity, of peace undisturbed - an oasis in the chaos. But it's more than just sitting in silence and stillness, it's opening the door to a new realm of self-awareness and self-discovery. A realm that exists in each one of us, untapped and usually, undiscovered.
I completely resonate with the excitement one feels when the notion of mindfulness practices come to mind. Do you too, dear readers? Mindfulness is like a kind traveler that guides us back on the path when we lose our way. With our busy lives packed to the brim, distractions abound, making it so effortless to lose touch with the 'now.' Mindfulness grounds us, brings us back to the comfort, the familiarity of the present moment. One could say it's like coming home after a long day, only you're coming home to yourself.
Imagine being fully tuned into the natural world, the euphoric sensation of cold morning air stinging your cheeks, the delightful dance of leaves twirling in the wind, the intoxicating smell of your morning brew, the sheer delight of biting into a crisp juicy apple; all these experiences adding a prism of colors to a picture of your day, previously fated to the grayscale of mindless living.
Now, while it appears straight out of a fairy tale, let me reassure you - starting meditation and mindfulness practices aren't as daunting as you think. All it needs is a commitment to yourself, to dedicate few minutes of your day to make friends with your own breath, your own thoughts, your own self. So, take a deep breath, hold on, and plunge. The water might be a little cold initially, a little unsettling, but given time, you will adjust, you will start seeing the beauty beneath.
Just this morning, I came across a news piece seemingly filled with incomplete commands and thought to myself, isn't this exactly where we often find ourselves? Lost in ambiguous sentences of life, trying to process incomplete experiences without any context. Imagine the power of mindfulness in such moments, it illuminates the darkened alley and helps us connect the dots, perceive the full picture.
Oh, and before I forget, my station is fast approaching. Dear readers, here's hoping my little ramble filled your hearts with a pinch of excitement and dollop of enthusiasm towards the marvel of meditation and mindfulness practices. You can only ever truly appreciate the beauty of its rhythm once you dance along. Let's get dancing, shall we?
Journey of Self-Discovery: A Train Ride into the Depths of Spirituality and Religion

As the muted morning light seeps in through the frost-dusted train windows, I find myself grappling with the amorphous labyrinth of thoughts straddling spirituality and religion. Outside is undoubtedly cold, the 13-degree chill a physical manifestation of my inner turmoil.
There's a certain melancholy that hangs in the air as my eyes drift over the Norwegian landscape, my mind embarking on a seemingly futile quest to decipher the nebulous lens through which human beings perceive the divine, or lack thereof.
For some individuals, the rigorous structure and communal aspect of religion offers solace, a sanctuary amidst life's inherent chaos. Religion, with its scriptures and rituals, it seems, offers definitive answers to existential questions that have been haunting humanity since the dawn of consciousness - the existence of God, the purpose of life, and life after death.
However, isn’t there something reductive about reducing a profound, multifaceted entity into rigid frameworks of religion? Isn't it akin to trying to capture a bird in flight, a sunset's ephemeral beauty, or the inexplicable power of a symphony within the confines of concrete words? There's a severe dissonance, a sense of creeping dissatisfaction.
As my train trudges through the serene Norweigian countryside, I find my attention unwittingly drawn towards spirituality - the loose, digestible cousin of religion. It is a path which encourages self-exploration and individual growth, promoting introspection and personal revelation over collective worship. Spirituality, in its essence, is a quest for understanding the self, the universe and our place within it. It is a journey towards awakening, awareness, and actualization.
While the concept of spirituality fosters a certain degree of liberty, it throws open the gates to a Pandora’s box filled with uncertainty, darkness, and unanswered questions. The lack of structure can be unsettling, and the void filled by concrete dogmas in religious practices, when left hollow, can indeed be vapid and distressing.
Pulling in my gaze from the frosted window, I find myself peering into my reflection, a mirror echoed with unending disquiet. I recall a line from a news article I just read, "Sorry, but without specific content from an HTML page, it's impossible to provide a summary in English." Just as an URL or HTML text is needed to summarise a page's contents, perhaps we, as humans, need the sanctity of faith and spirituality, despite their complexities, to provide meaning and structure to our lives.
Even though I write these words with a heavy heart, I recognize that my personal voyage to fathom the depths of spirituality and religion, irrespective of its trials, is a testament to the human spirit's relentless pursuit for understanding and the quest to give meaning to our existential ennui. And in this search, therein lies a thread of hope, a sliver of light piercing through my current unhappiness.
Chasing Solitude: A Heartrending Symphony of Solo Travel and Lingering Melancholy

As I traverse the familiar path that connects home to the metropolitan, the bone-chilling air seeping through the narrow crack in the slightly ajar train window serves as a sobering reminder of the world outside. My usual companion: a generous dash of loneliness, and several meager digits on the frosty thermometer. A bitter two degrees.
This regular journey, often shrugged off as mundane, is an expedition. Solo travel, despite its fair share of satire, has an unspoken profundity that often goes unnoticed. There's a certain melancholy attached to it, a sense of desolation that seeps in like the cold, meandering its way into my thoughts and, inevitably, into my words. Yet, it holds an adventure of its own, filled with undulations of self-discovery, introspection and resilience. A sardonic grin washes over my face; for it mirrors a lesson learned through countless solitary train rides.
Today, however, the melancholy carries an extra weight.
Just another day, just another news piece, yet it leaves an indelible mark on your spirit. I come across an article that tears open a harsh reality about the world today. Myriad emotions entwined with indifference, disbelief, and a palpable dread taint the earlier jovial mood. A chilly shiver runs down my spine as I soak in the aftermath of a horrifying incident in far-off California. Specialized words and facts try to sanitize the bloodshed but nothing can cloak the human tragedy at its heart.
Six lives extinguished, twelve others forever marred, courtesy of a system so fragile that an individual shadowed by a history of violence slips through its cracks. A tragedy borne of apathy, and rooted in ignorance.
"Silos are the death of empathy", I scribble down in my notebook. An individual lost to the thralls of violence, a family grappling with the unfathomable guilt of hindsight, and questions with no apparent answers clutter my thoughts in the rattling solitude of the train.
The solo journey continues. The fleeting landscapes outside the frost-laced window narrate tales of vast, undulating plains, icy-laden rivers and towering mountains; and I, a mere observer, drown in the abyss of melancholy. What good are these splendid sights when the warmth of humanity is steadily receding? What worth is an adventure if it's marred by the cold shrills of despair echoing from afar?
In the solitary expanse of this train ride, the underbelly of solo travel is exposed. It's not all sunsets and beautiful landscapes. Sometimes, it's confronting the harsh reality of solitude, of helplessness, of a world that's equally beautiful and brutal. And even so, we trudge on. We keep travelling, keep discovering, keep moving - because as the train runs its course, there's a peculiar comfort in the continuity of motion, in the heartbeat of the rail tracks beneath us.
It's a disenchanting orchestra of laughter and tears, joy and sorrow, warmth and cold. Yet, the symphony continues. The melancholy dwindling to a lullaby, and as the city lights of Oslo twinkle in the distance, it whispers - the delightfulness of the journey often lies within the dejection of the ride. Such is the bitter-sweet symphony of solo travel, a heartwrenching adventure of its own.
Tags: introspection human tragedy solo travel self-discovery social commentary
Embracing Independence: The Joys and Journeys of Solo Travel

Ecstatically typing away on my buzzing train ride home from Oslo, my fingers dancing on the keyboard with enthusiasm that rivals the frosty winds outside, I realize something profound - solo travel, whether it's all the way to the sunlit hills of Santorini or just this rhythmic churning commute to university, is a riotous celebration of independence, introverted joy, and delightful self-discovery.
Let's dive headfirst into this adventure, shall we?
While some people may find solo travel a daunting notion, I assure you, it is one of life's pure treasures. When you're alone, each choice - from the mundane, like the flavor of your morning coffee to the extraordinary, such as the destination of your next journey - is yours and yours alone. This autonomy, this empowerment is as invigorating as the fresh 9°C breeze that whips through my hair whenever I crack open the train window.
Today, as I weaved through bustling stations and crowded platforms, I was content. I was just another face in the crowd, my thoughts my only company. It isn't lonely but liberating, the freedom to soak in the world around me without distraction. It's like being the sole audience member at a spectacular play where the stage is the world itself.
In my solo travel escapades, technology is my most trusted companion. And at its heart, the cornerstone of my tech arsenal, the mighty power bank. Now, you might think: "Kaia, it's just a gadget!" But oh dear reader, it is so much more.
This unassuming device is my lifeline, my faithful anchor in the shifting sands of travel. It powers my phone, necessary for those life-saving Google maps and quick translation apps, it juices up my laptop allowing me to chase my journalism dreams even when on the move, it even rescues other lost, battery-drained souls I encounter along my journeys. It's like carrying around a tiny piece of civilization in my back pocket, a comforting reminder that I remain connected even when I am miles away from home.
And speaking of strong, independent women, Breaking News: Anniken Huitfeldt, a Prominent figure of the Labor Party, is stepping down as Minister of Children and Family Affairs! It's all over the news. Why, you ask? To spend more time with her family. Now, isn't that a beautifully empowering statement within the world of politics? We wish her replacement, Marte Mjøs Persen, the very best. The game awaits her!
As for me, my solo journey continues as I navigate my way through the bustling city of Oslo, armed with my power bank and an unquenchable thirst for exploration. Ready to venture into the unexpected, to embrace the liberating freedom of solo travel.
So here's to us, fellow wanderers of the world, may our travels be as vibrant as our spirits, as inspiring as our dreams, and as eclectic as the cities we traverse. And remember, a power bank might just be your best travel buddy. Onward!