I have tagged 1 blog post with living-alone:
Embracing Solo Living: A Delightful Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth

Hello, wonderful people!
Ah, the joy of the darndest things in life – living alone for the first time! I think it is something we all fantasize about at some point, isn't it? Well, I am here to share my delightful roller coaster ride with you. As I'm typing this, I'm nested quite comfortably in my late morning train, carving my path through the 2°C cold towards Oslo. And let me tell you, life couldn't be more exhilarating!
Living alone, many perceive it to be just about freedom – setting your own rules, cooking your own meals (which doesn't always turn out as expected) or dancing around in your underwear. But there's so much more! It is about a fantastic journey of self-discovery and growth.
Now, before I moved out, I was warned about the lonely moments and the heavy weight of chores. But there's something mystical about these tasks. They've become, oddly enough, some sort of meditative sessions, therapeutic even. It's those ten minutes busied over a mound of dishes, or the sweet victory of conquering a stubborn pile of dirty laundry that has yielded tiny fragments of peace in my life.
A part of the experience that I warmly cherish is the freedom of personal space. My karaoke concerts held in the kitchen while cooking are legendary, and I'm quite certain my neighbors will concur quite strongly. And let's not forget about my impromptu dance offs with my reflection in the bathroom mirror - they have truly been a sight to behold. The thrill and downright silliness is something you have to experience to fully appreciate.
And sure, I understand that a news article caption reading 'Opening tags of an HTML document' sounds as exciting as watching paint dry. But that's the beauty of living alone for the first time; ordinary things can suddenly become thrilling.
By no means is it all rosy; there are plenty of hardships. But it's in those challenges where some of life's most profound lessons are embedded. It's the desperate 2am scramble to find a 24-hour grocery store because you realized you're out of toilet roll, or finally mastering that recipe after countless failed attempts - these moments of struggle lead to sweet triumphs of self-reliance and problem-solving.
Living alone for the first time has, delightfully, given me the opportunity to get to know myself a little better. I have discovered that I can rustle up a mean curry, have a penchant for jazz that I never knew of, and that I am capable of swallowing that scary-looking spider rather than fleeing in terror (Okay, the last bit might be a slight exaggeration!)
With each passing day, I find more and more joy in carving out my path, immersing myself in the hearty soup of blossoming adulthood. Even though I frequently trip over or hit a bump, I do it with a big, enthusiastic smile on my face because I know that each little stumble is just another fantastic ingredient added to my soup.
To conclude, the journey has been an interesting blend of tasty independence, spicy hardships, and a dash of 'I have no idea what I'm doing ,but let's do it anyway.' And believe me, that's the best dish you'll ever have the pleasure of consuming. I wholeheartedly recommend this unique journey of living alone for the first time to all of you. It's an adventure, one that you won't regret, and, above all, it's deliciously fun. And now, you'll excuse me as the delightful Oslo skyline is coming into sight, promising another day of magnificent adventures in my life. Until our paths cross again!
Yours Forever in Enthusiasm and Adventure.