
I have tagged 4 blog posts with time-management:

Pirouetting through Life: The Art of Planner Maintenance and Powerbanks for the Modern Digital Nomad

Hand holding pen over a color-coded, detailed physical planner, with a power bank at the side.
Kaia Thonul, Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 09:35

Well, hello there, brave adventurers of the written word! Bundle yourselves up, for it's a balmy 4°C here outside of Oslo. As frost kisses the windows of my commuting train, I find myself both literally and metaphorically tickled. Oh, how the universe winks at us sometimes!

Today's blog post is, drum roll please, all about maintaining a planner or organizer! Ah yes, those wonderful, miraculous, sometimes maddening contraptions that promise to keep us sinfully well-organized or mercilessly confused. But, fear not, as a commuting journalism student with only the biting Nordski chill and a steaming cup of coffee for company, I've become something of a demystifying wizardess in these matters.

As a starting point, did you know that maintaining a planner is not just about jotting tasks down but see, it’s a dance, a delicate pirouette between chaos and order? The first tip then is to make your planner your dance partner; know each other, love each other, maybe even squabble a touch - it’s all part of the dance!

Now, to the meat and potatoes of this frolicsome advice: categorize! Separate your noble planner into sections by topics or dates, depending on your daily life's rhythm. And use colour: colours that tickle your fancy and even make you giggle a little. Go bold with a flamingo pink or soothing turquoise. Stick to it, and enhance that oh-so-tantalizing dance!

Do take advantage of the S-M-A-R-T method too. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. That's one smart way to glide through the waltz of life. 'Write my thesis' sounds much more daunting than 'Write 500 words for my thesis by Wednesday', doesn't it?

Remember, dear readers, maintaining a planner is not a chore, it's an art form! An art form as surprisingly delightful as discovering that powerbanks (yes, those cute little backup energy sources!) could be so sublime. Oh, I hear a smirk? Let me explain.

Picture this, you're on a train chopping through frosty scenery like a determined arctic reindeer. Your phone battery, that greedy little goblin, is eyeing the red zone ominously. Your heart races; your planner, that ever-faithful companion, is waiting on your phone to be updated with tomorrow's almost forgotten rendezvous. You whip out a powerbank, and alas! The day is saved!

Powerbanks are the unsung heroes of our digitized lives. Not only do they empower us to keep our devices alive to update digital planners on such cold morning train rides, but they also fuel the endless possibilities of technology right at our fingertips.

Does that not tickle you with delight? As a digital nomad, I can hardly contain my gratitude for these handy little saviors. What's simpler and more satisfying than transforming potential calamity into a ticklingly triumphant tale of preparedness?

And as I sign off with my fingers dancing on the keyboard to the rhythm of the rocks beneath the train tracks, I am reminded of an amusing news article I stumbled upon today: 'Sorry, but you've submitted a fragment of HTML code without any content. There's nothing to summarize. Please provide an actual article or webpage.' Even in journalism, clarity and preparedness reign supreme!

An organized mind and an energized device; who knew the path to modern serenity could be lined with planners and powerbanks. Now, doesn't that simply tickle?! Stay warm and organized, my friends, as we keep pirouetting through the frosted adventure that is life.

Tags: Planner Organization power bank time management

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Chasing Grades, Not Ghosts: Navigating the Chilly Waters of Academic Pressure

A student at a snowy bus stop, bundled up, typing on a laptop with a Powerbank attached.
Kaia Thonul, Thursday, September 26, 2024, 09:25

Hello passionate learners, paper chasers and grade maintainers!

Brrr! Ah! A frosty 5°C morning here on my daily train ride to Oslo! Isn't it a wonderful day to tuck into the subject that haunts us all from time to time - Academic pressure? Trust me; as a journalism student myself, feeling the burn is part of the game. But hey, let's not brood about it, but rather figure out how to deal with it, shall we? I find the topic so riveting I can hardly contain my excitement.

Now, let’s think logically here. We’ve all, at some point, fallen victim to the vortex of overwhelming tasks, stringent deadlines, and rigorous examinations, haven't we? But guess what? It's not the end of the world. It’s just a phase preparing us for the future. So here's my chai test-tea. (Did I mention how much I love puns?)

First things first, grab a grip on time-management. Admit it, we’ve all been guilty of procrastinating or cramming everything into the last minute. Make a feasible timetable, stick to it religiously, and voila – half your stress has evaporated!

Now, it wouldn't do to study all day. Breaks are just as crucial! Remember to take some ‘me’ time between those intense study sessions. Be it a quick walk, jamming to your favorite music, or even making snow angels in this chilly Norwegian weather, anything that helps you unwind and get those gears churning again!

And speaking of taking breaks, don’t neglect your health. Health is wealth, after all. Eat healthily, stay hydrated, and most importantly—get a goodnight's sleep. No pulling all-nighters, folks! Believe me; it does more harm than good.

Now let's talk about a tech gadget that rescues me from unexpected hiccups—Powerbanks! Aren't these life-savers? There's nothing quite as comforting as knowing your device won't suddenly power down in the middle of an important assignment. Plus, the portability of powerbanks makes them a perfect companion for a busy academic schedule. Picture this, you're on a lovely train ride across the Norwegian Countryside, multitasking between enjoying the breathtaking view and working on a significant project. Smooth progress. And then, Boom, your device's battery wanes. Enter Powerbank to save the day! Talk about portable power, right?

Now, as I sign off to embrace another rumbling day at the university, I must remember a piece of news I recently read – I can't give you the details given the restriction of providing a valid link. But the underlying truth of it was that we can endure and persevere through anything, and that includes academic pressure. Remember, these pressures are only small speed bumps on the road to success!

Keep learning, stay positive, and above all, believe in yourself! You got this! Until next time, adieu from this trailblazing train!

Tags: Academic Pressure time management student life

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Dancing with Time: A Norwegian Journalism Student's Reflections on Balancing Life, Work, and the Egg Shortage

A student striding down a frosty Norwegian street, latte in one hand, and in the other, a notepad.
Kaia Thonul, Friday, May 3, 2024, 09:38

The ground crunches underfoot as I make my way to the station, cradling my hot coffee carefully to avoid spills. The frigid air draws a sharp breath from my lips, not bemoaning yet another icy morning but rather oddly appreciative - because if there's one thing I consistently fail at managing, it's the weather (but then again, aren't we all?). The weather, much like time, refuses to bend to my whims and wishes. And speaking of time, it is sure a cruel and relentless partner in this dance we call life.

As a journalism student here in Norway, I am constantly spinning between various roles: Learner, commuter, writer, employee, and friend. It can be a tedious cycle, albeit instilled with the thrill of growth and discovery. Yet, as the train rattles below me, propelling me into the heart of Oslo and another lecture-infused day, I can't help but compare the fleeting landscape to my own life - always moving and changing, slipping away faster than I can through the murky window glass.

Splitting my existence between college, work, and friends feels like a questionable juggling act at times. On the one hand, my coursework calls for dedication and immense focus, a merciless taskmaster commanding me to write, read, analyze, repeat. The relentless push and pull between college and work responsibilities are a ceaseless source of exhaustion - Do I spend that additional hour finishing a paper or do I use it to earn some extra kroner to paint the town red?

And then there are friends, the souls who make laughter a little bit louder, life a little bit sweeter, and solitude a little bit bearable. Their importance cannot be understated, yet the quest for balance means less time savoured in their company.

And here commences the lament. Like the slow draining of Norwegian eggs over the past year, each day the aspects of my life are sucked into the vortex, leaving me hollow. I find an ironic kinship with the egg shortage; both our plights a result of circumstances beyond control. Increases in workload, cost of living, and academic demands resonate sourly with the escalating egg prices.

How do you fill an egg with nothing or a life with no time? Import them? The government's solution, albeit necessary, a potential threat to animal welfare, rings hollow in my heart. Imported time isn't the same. It doesn’t meet the same standards, nor does it provide the same comfort as homegrown moments do. A minute bought is a minute lost, leaving a void that sadly, morning coffee just can't fill.

In the grand scheme, this all might appear as some first-world lament. Eggs and time - what might an outsider say? But, the core truth of our lives is this: we are all just trying to manage what we have, with most of us fighting to not lose what little's left.

Can time be managed? I’m beginning to question that. As the train pulls into the city, students like me flooding out towards another day, I take a small breath, clutch my bag tighter and decide, time might be a relentless dance partner, but I can learn to step in rhythm, to twirl gracefully upon this stage.

As for the eggs, I can only hope for the situation to improve. Both are struggles, both require patience, and both, in their lamentable ways, make me appreciate what I have - my own version of the slightly scrambled, yet surprisingly delightful, student life.

Tags: Life in Norway student life time management

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Finding Your Rhythm: Navigating the Dance between University, Work, and Friendship in the Frosty Heart of Norway

A young man reading a newspaper, surrounded by textbooks, a laptop, and a coffee, against a university backdrop.
Kaia Thonul, Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 09:46

Good morning, everyone. As I sit on this train, the frost etching its poetry on the windows and the Norwegian winter making its presence known with a bracing -9 degrees Celsius, I am reminded of the concept of balance. The balance inherent in the very cycle of nature, winter's cold giving way to spring's rebirth. This thought prompts me to share my own experiences on navigating the tricky interplay between being a full-time university student, a part-time worker, and an always-on-call friend.

Managing time between these roles is like stepping into an intricate dance, one that requires a blend of grace, discipline and strategy. The snapshots of my mornings, characterized by the rhythm of the train wheels against the track, end up setting the stage for my entire day. In the confines of my daily commute lies a block of time that I use to plan, strategize, and educate myself. I write these very sentences, zooming towards another day at the university, my thoughts shaped by the world around me.

Today, for instance, I read news that radiates heat even from afar - a report on the escalating conflict in Gaza. As a student of journalism, it's a stark reminder of the power words wield, of their capacity to inform, educate, and inspire action. I further read about the Prime Minister's call for a ceasefire, his concerns for civilian safety, his emphasis on humanitarian aid and international law. The world, it seems, is dancing its own intricate dance, with bigger stakes and higher tensions.

For me, each day is a series of carefully planned steps. I study. I work. But I also listen, engage, and maintain connections with those who enrich my life. I meet friends for coffee, take study breaks to chat with them, laughing, gossiping, and growing together. Through these seemingly simple acts of connection, I cultivate invaluable relationships, nurturing friendships that create a strong support network which is, so often, a crucial element in coping with the pressures and demands of life.

Every one of us lives different lives, but the challenge of balancing distinct facets of life is universal. Whether it is college, work, friends, or any other pursuits demanding your time and attention, remember to be patient with yourself. It's a dance, after all. You'll stumble, miss a step, lose your rhythm from time to time. Forgive yourself when you do so, retie your dancing shoes, and step back onto the floor; the dance of life waits for no one.

And despite the challenges, there is an undeniable beauty in this delicate tightrope walk of managing time between university, work, and friends. It builds resilience, it teaches prioritization, it fosters empathy. It has given me a multi-faceted lens to gaze upon life, one that has amazing clarity, brilliant hues, and a breathtaking depth.

So, as this train forges forward, breaking through the silvery mist, I do too. I am grateful for my life, this frame-within-a-frame existence that keeps me grounded yet also propels me into the fascinating, challenging, enriching world of adulthood. I am grateful that amidst the chaos, I can still find balance. And as long as I learn to adjust my steps to the shifting rhythm, I am confident that I can keep dancing this intricate dance of life.

Tags: university life life balance student life time management

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