I have tagged 2 blog posts with brands:
The Delicate Dance of Devotion: Our Love Affair with Favorite Brands

An almost tangible coolness fills the air, foggy breaths frozen in time as the train makes its way through the morning's delicate blend of blush and amber that the sky’s been painted with. The morning chill sends a sensation through my fingertips as they glide on the keyboard, initiating a conversation about a topic that touches us all -our favorite brands.
We all have them, they are personal, intimate almost. Favorite brands have a way of revolving and evolving around our persona, like silent companions accompanying us through different phases of life. They become a reflection of who we are, or perhaps, who we wish to be.
Ever thought, why does a brand become a favorite amidst a sea of options? Is it due to its quality and functionality, or perhaps due to the ethos it represents, a sentimental story or an emotional connection created through a well-strategized advertising campaign? Each brand messaging creates an emotional landscape within us, comforts us, excites us, makes us dream. And within this landscape, we find our favorite brands.
These brands are not mere products to us, they are experiences, memories, or ways to express our identity or aspiration. We've all had those heart-sinking moments of finding a beloved brand discontinuing our desired product, or had our spirits uplifted by a purchase perfectly fulfilling our needs, wishes, and values.
The profound resonance of our favorite brands carries us upon an inspirational journey. It's about self-expression, personal affinity, and feeling empathy towards the brand's cause. So, sometimes, it's not just about a logo or a tagline, but the story behind the scenes, the values and visions of the brand that makes it awe-inspiring.
And my dear readers, isn't it remarkable how these brands can tap into our preferences, encapsulate our interests and identities, and influence our daily choices? They intertwine with our memories, imbibe in our stories, and subtly shape a part of our journey. It's a fascinating world we are living in, where identifying the power and influence of our favorite brands can lead us on a path of understanding ourselves more deeply.
Sitting here, observing the world go by at 14°C, sipping on my train coffee (which let's be honest, could do with a bit more taste), these ideas bubble in my mind. Our favorite brands, in an intriguing way, create a version of ourselves that we relate to, resonate with, and retreat into. It's a relationship, one where we continuously evolve together—undoubtedly a topic worth exploring.
As I see Oslo on the horizon, it's time to pack up the laptop and gather my thoughts. To all my readers, consider your own relationships with your favorite brands. Are they more than just a name or a logo? I, for one, am fascinated by our subtly profound, often times dramatic love affair with our favorite brands.
Tickled by Brands: A Love Letter to My Favorites and How They Shape Our Lives

Hello, lovely readers!
If you give me the choice to pick a topic of my choice, I would certainly choose to speak about my favorite brands. Yes! Today, let’s delve into the world of logos, packaging, and coveted products that strum our heartstrings in a way we love!
If someone had asked me a year ago to talk about my favorite brands, the list would have been heavier on the fashion side - those gorgeous caramel brown boots, the silk dress that hugs just right. Today, nestled in my degustably ordinary yet swift moving Höland train, cocooned from the 15℃ outside, my preferences have evolved. Isn't itself an irony how our priorities towards brands shift when our daily lifestyles change, train journeys included?
Crisp copy from Dinesen flooring catalogues excites me; the subtle charm of Leuchtturm notebooks intoxicates me; the velvety embrace of Acne Studios sweaters calls me. The swoosh of the train in the early dawn somehow mirrors the quiet allure of these brands for me. The rustle of my news articles blends well with my newfound fascination.
Remember how we used to commit to brands like we commit to people? With the same unshaken trust and hope. I used to have such a whimsical relationship with brands - like a happy child spiralling in her mother's silky dupatta or a girl winking at her crush from behind her gigantic textbook. Almost tickled by these memories, aren't you?
Just this morning, I stumbled across a news snippet, a hilarious one actually, where, instead of summarizing the webpage content, the compiler provided a chunk of the HTML tag. Isn't that just the perfect example of wrapping without the gift? It laughed at the raw symphony of chaos and order, calling out to my inner journalist.
What binds me with these beloved brands isn't directly the product, but the stories they unfurl and the emotions they kindle. Much like the never-ending track of my daily commute, stretched out like a story in the making, every railscape has its rhythm, every brand its tale.
All the enticing colours, the untold stories behind each design, the relentless chase for perfection - isn’t it all so incredibly fascinating? The line between brand story and personal narrative blurs, like the landscape outside my window as the train gathers speed.
I hope this rings a bell in your hearts as well. So, which is the brand that tickles you, dear readers? Which logo nudges a memory or sparks a flame of happiness within you? Let's share our tales of brand love, but once again, let's get 'tickled' by the power of our favourite brands. Let’s celebrate the brands that have woven themselves into the fabric of our lives.
Cheers to more journeys, more stories, and more favorite brands!